deKay's Lofi Gaming

Injustice: Gods Among Us (PS4): COMPLETED!

Well this was a surprise. The Mortal Kombat series left me cold after UMK3, and although this isn’t technically a Mortal Kombat title, it clearly is a Mortal Kombat game. It’s the same team, it’s a fighting game, it’s a followup to Mortal Kombat vs DC, and it’s even got Scorpion in it. And I enjoyed it. There’s little depth to the fighting, and in many ways the fights just seemed like the gaps between the story in single player …

Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice (DS): COMPLETED!

It would actually appear that the point I saved at yesterday was actually immediately before the final conversation in the game, so technically I completed it then. It took me ages (a couple of months, I think) to finish, but it’s not through lack of interest – more lack of time. I played it for 20 to 30 minutes a night, most nights, for that time. Anyway, the verdict on the game? Excellent. It’s Phoenix Wright only different only the …

Phoenix Wright: Justice for All (DS)

Hmm. This seems to be the only game I’ve actually played all day. Which is a bit unusual for a lazy Sunday. I’m getting stuck into (but not actually “stuck”) Case 3 now, and it’s all set in a circus. There are some great characters again here – even better than most of them in the previous two cases. Max is FABULOUS, and Moe the Clown is hilarious (but mainly for all the wrong reasons). For example, see here. I’ve …

Phoenix Wright: Justice for All (DS)

OBJECTION! Oh my. Phoenix is just ace, isn’t he? This, the sequel to Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (wot I completed last year) arrived today, and I couldn’t wait to get started. So I didn’t! Straight off, Phoenix gets smacked about with a fire extinguisher and loses his memory. This conveniently allows a tutorial trial to take place, with you defending the lovely Maggey who is charged with killing her boyfriend. It was amazing how quickly I got back into the …

Windosill (Mac): COMPLETED!

This is one of well over 1500 games that came with the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality on Itch. To be honest, I didn’t think I’d even bother looking at the list of games once I’d donated as there were just so many, but I did have a flick through and this caught my eye as something someone had recommended before. It’s a series of screens, where you have to take a little vehicle from the left through a …

Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham (Wii U): COMPLETED!

You know pretty much what to expect with a Lego game. You know there’s a series of levels with fixed characters and loads of secrets you can’t get see or access, some sort of hub world with more secrets you can’t see or access, a lot of silliness, and approximately two thirds of the game locked off until you’ve finished the story. Then it’s back to the earlier levels with new characters and abilities you didn’t have previously to attempt …

Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure (Wii U): COMPLETED!

The game’s title is a bit verbose, isn’t it? I’ll be referring to it as Scribblenauts Batman instead, because that’s what it is. Sure, the rest of the Justice League are in it, but then Lego Batman 2 and 3 have them as well. Batman’s the headline act. In fact, virtually every DC character you could ever imagine, including every variant (Earth Two, Red Son, Bizzaro, New 52, etc.) are also in it. And costumes to dress up other characters …

Gameking – Unleash the Games!

<< Previous (The Gameking) Gameking Games Readers without short-term memory problems will recall that I bought 13 games to go with my Gameking. Each and every one is special in its own special way. Special as in “special needs”, naturally. Firstly, a few points about Gameking games. The cartridges are strikingly familiar to anyone who has ever played on a Game Boy, since they’re exactly the same as Game Boy cartridges. Almost, anyway – instead of “Game Boy” they say …

Games played this week

I’ve not had time to update this week, but, unusually, I’ve managed to play a fair amount. Apollo Justice (DS)Still plowing through the second case. I’ve started cross-examining the accused’s girlfriend. I think I know what the story is, and who did it, and why. Hurrah! Animal Crossing (Wii)Same as it ever is, really. Played for about 20 minutes each day, just pottering round Cheese; a bit of fishing, some fossil collecting, weeding, chatting to the other residents, and that …